Detox Allowed Foods

Detox Allowed Foods:

During your detox, you have a variety of foods that you can enjoy. Here's a list of allowed foods:


  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Salmon
  • Bison
  • Halibut and other quality fish
  • Venison and game meat
  • Lamb

Note: Some people may struggle with digesting beef and pork. During detox, you can eliminate them to give your gut an extra break.


  • All fruits are acceptable for detox.
  • Berries and dark purple fruits are rich in helpful antioxidants that support detox.
  • You can add fruits as a snack or make nutrient-dense smoothies. They can also be added to salads or used to make dressings.
  • However, some people may be intolerant to the fructose in fruit and choose to eliminate fruits during detox. This is a personal choice.

Fats and Flavors:Healthy fats and spices are great for supporting your detox processes.

  • Add avocado to a smoothie to make it creamier and more nutritious.
  • Flavor your food with unprocessed salt (such as Himalayan Pink or Celtic Grey), basil, caraway, chives, cinnamon, curry, dill, garlic, ginger, marjoram, mint, nutmeg, parsley, tarragon, or turmeric.
  • Olive oil, avocado oil, ghee, nuts, seeds, and coconut oil are all good additions.


  • All vegetables are detox approved and encouraged (except nightshades).
  • Cruciferous veggies are amazing for detox. They include cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, collards, bok choy, watercress, radish, turnip, and more!
  • Vegetables in the allium family, such as chives, garlic, leek, onion, and shallots, should also be emphasized.
  • Aim to eat as many colors as possible during this time. Try to incorporate every color into your day at least once.

Remember to focus on these allowed foods during your detox journey.

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