Standard American Diet

Why is S.A.D. so SAD? 

S.A.D. is one of the SADdest things that has happened in this country. 

Another S.A.D. thing is that most people who are eating S.A.D. don’t even know that they SHOULD be SAD.  

They should be SAD because, well, they are actually killing themselves slowly.  

S.A.D. stands for Standard American Diet. It represents the daily food choices of most Americans.  

We wonder why we are in the middle of multiple epidemics of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, dementia, autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative diseases and cancer?  

And we wonder why the vast majority of middle-aged Americans are tired, stressed out, not sleeping, low libido, low stamina, low mood or irritability/anxiety, with chronic diarrhea/constipation/bloating/gas/heartburn, skin issues, chronic pain and achiness?  

And we wonder why so many of our esteemed elders are spending their last 10-20 years in assisted living facilities because their health is too far gone and they can no longer care for themselves?  

Might we also wonder why this new Covid-19 virus, which devastates people with ‘underlying conditions’, has been so incredibly devastating to Americans? 

Let’s talk about S.A.D. 

The Standard American Diet. 

This way of eating started in the U.S. in the 1950’s, along with the industrialization of the food industry.  

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 57% of the Average American Diet comes from processed foods, and 32% comes from Animal Products. That leaves only 11% that comes from fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds. Ouch. Eleven Percent.  

In short, the S.A.D. is calorie rich and nutrient poor. And worse.  

High in sugar, refined carbohydrates, saturated and trans-fats, inflammatory foods and additives, and low in nutrient-dense and high-fiber foods, the S.A.D. gives Americans way too much of what they don’t need and what can harm them, and way too little of what their bodies need to maintain health. 

S.A.D. is the perfect recipe for obesity and inflammation. It is the main engine behind Type 2 Diabetes and Heart Disease and Stroke. It is a major contributor to most chronic illnesses. 

It is no secret that in America, we are experiencing epidemics of obesity, heart disease and stroke, Type 2 Diabetes, autoimmune disorders, cancer, and degenerative neurological conditions. We are experiencing epidemic levels of fatigue, pain, insomnia, mood disorders, brain fog, gut issues...and so much more. 

The research is clear: the Standard American Diet is a recipe for Obesity and Inflammation. Inflammation is at the root of so many chronic and degenerative conditions. Our bodies need the right fuel to ‘get the job done’ to support our bodies so that we can 

live our lives as we desire. Not having the right fuel—and worse yet, constantly adding things that challenge our bodies—it is no secret that the American Body is immensely challenged at this time. 

You may be reading this and saying to yourself, “I’m not THAT bad.” Hopefully you are right!! 

Even if you are not eating as poorly as the average American, it is time to take a good hard look at where you do stand. Is your body is getting what it needs? Are you taking in too much of what challenges it? Could it be that making some changes might be in your best interest? 

Every body is different. Every body has different needs; every body responds differently to what it is taking in. Even so, every single body benefits from saying goodbye to the Standard American Diet. 

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