
Thorough description of the service your closer will be selling

A 3 part self transformation program to help corporate women find their calling and true purpose in life and pursue it shamelessly.

Sales Process and Structure

  1. Call Execution Strategy
    • How many calls are typically needed to close a sale? Is it a one or two-call close approach?

      Communication Platforms

    • Where do these sales calls usually take place (over the phone, online platforms, in-person meetings)? Specify the platforms you use.

      Lead Capture and Call Booking

    • What funnel or page do prospects opt into or use to book a call? Please provide the link to your funnel or booking page.

      Sales Materials

    • Do you have a pitch deck? If so, where can the closer access it? Provide links to any pitch decks or sales presentations.

Product Knowledge

  1. Features & Benefits
    • Where can a closer find detailed information on the product's features and benefits? Include links to your FAQs, Drive folder with resources, or any relevant documentation.

      Use Cases and Testimonials

    • Where do you document successful product use cases or customer testimonials? Sharing real success stories can significantly impact sales conversations.

      Problem Solving

    • What problem does your product/service solve for the customer? Understanding this is key to addressing customer needs effectively.

      Delivery Timeline

    • In what timeline does the customer receive the result your offer promises? This helps manage customer expectations.

Payment and Contracts

  1. Payment Process
    • Where do customers typically make payments (online portal, over the phone, etc.)? Please provide direct links if available.
    • When during the sales cycle is payment usually taken (e.g., after contract signing, after delivery of the product/service)?

      Payment Methods

    • How is payment processed (e.g., credit card, bank transfer, payment platform)? Knowing this helps streamline the closing process.


    • If there are contracts, where are they stored, and how can a closer access them? Provide information on accessing and using contracts during the sales process.

Preparing Your Interview Questions

To make an informed decision, prepare a list of questions that cover the essential aspects of their ability to sell your product or service effectively. Here are some suggested questions to help you gauge if they are a good fit:

  1. Experience and Background
    • Can you tell me about your experience in sales and specifically as a closer?
    • Have you worked with products or services similar to ours? What was your approach?

      Understanding of Your Product/Service

    • How would you describe our product/service to a potential customer?
    • Based on what you know about our offering, what do you see as the unique selling points?

      Sales Strategy and Process

    • What sales strategies have you found most effective in your previous roles?
    • Can you walk me through a typical sales cycle you’ve managed? How do you handle objections?

      Motivation and Drive

    • What motivates you in a sales role?
    • How do you stay motivated during challenging sales periods?

      Teamwork and Collaboration

    • Can you share an experience where you had to work closely with a team to close sales?
    • How do you handle feedback from team members or management?

      Expectations and Goals

    • What are your short-term and long-term goals as a closer?
    • How do you measure success in your role?

Decision Making

  • Post-Meeting Reflection: After the 30-minute meeting, take some time to reflect on the conversation. Did the closer demonstrate a good understanding of your product/service? Did their sales philosophy align with your business goals?
  • Fit and Next Steps: Decide if the closer is a good fit for your team. If yes, let us know! Proceed to discuss the next steps, including onboarding and integration into your sales process.

This meeting is a critical step in ensuring that you bring on board a closer who not only has the skills and experience necessary but also aligns with your company's culture and values. Take this opportunity to thoroughly evaluate the potential for a successful partnership.

Mock Call One Overview

Mock Call One is a crucial part of the onboarding process for your new closer. It serves as both a meet-and-greet and a practical introduction to your business's sales strategies and product knowledge. This call will be facilitated by our team to ensure a smooth and informative session for both you and your closer.

Booking and Confirmation

  • Ensure the time for the mock call is booked and confirmed well in advance. This allows both parties to prepare adequately and set aside dedicated time for this important step.

Core Objectives of Mock Call #1

During Mock Call #1, we will focus on ensuring the closer is fully versed in the "core 5" elements crucial to understanding and selling your product or service effectively:

  1. Problem Solving: Clearly define the problem your business solves. This foundational understanding is critical for framing sales discussions.
  2. Customer Avatar and Niche: Identify who your ideal customer is. Understanding the customer avatar helps the closer tailor the sales approach to match the target audience's specific needs and desires.
  3. Solution Methodology: Explain how your business addresses and solves the identified problem. This involves detailing your product or service's features, benefits, and unique selling points.
  4. Guarantee: Outline the guarantees or assurances you provide customers. This could include return policies, satisfaction guarantees, or any other promises that reduce the perceived risk for potential buyers.
  5. Urgency for Purchase: Discuss the reasons why a customer should choose to buy today instead of delaying their decision. This could involve limited-time offers, scarcity of the product, or immediate benefits they could miss out on.

Addressing the Closer's Questions

  • The mock call will provide an opportunity for the closer to ask questions and seek clarifications. It's important to address these queries thoroughly to ensure the closer is confident in their understanding of your business and sales process.

Product Delivery Understanding

  • A significant part of the call will be dedicated to ensuring the closer has a clear understanding of how the product or service is delivered to the customer. This includes the post-sale process, timelines, and what the customer can expect in terms of follow-up and support.

Facilitation and Support

  • Use a mock sales call software and analyze results.

Mission: Mock Call #2 – Objective

The primary goal of Mock Call #2 is to thoroughly assess and validate the closer's capabilities across key sales competencies. Your mission is to ensure the closer can effectively present the product, conduct discovery, present the offer, overcome objections, and ultimately close the sale. This exercise is critical in evaluating the closer's potential to drive sales success for your business.

Key Competencies to Evaluate

  1. Product Presentation: Ability to articulate the product's value proposition, features, and benefits clearly and compellingly.
  2. Discovery Process: Skill in conducting discovery to uncover the prospect's needs, challenges, and goals.
  3. Offer Presentation: Effectiveness in presenting the offer in a way that aligns with the prospect's discovered needs.
  4. Objection Handling: Proficiency in addressing and overcoming objections confidently and convincingly.
  5. Closing the Sale: Capability to lead the conversation towards a commitment and close the sale.

Instructions for Conducting Mock Call #2

  1. Preparation:
    • Review the closer's previous performance and note areas for improvement.
    • Prepare a scenario that covers all stages of the sales process, including detailed product information, common objections, and a clear offer.


    • Begin with a brief overview of the call's objectives to set expectations.
    • Allow the closer to lead the call, stepping in only when necessary to guide or correct.
    • Present the closer with real-life scenarios, including challenging objections and questions.
    • Evaluate the closer's ability to navigate the conversation, maintain engagement, and steer towards the sale.

      Feedback and Correction:

    • Provide immediate, constructive feedback after each segment of the call (e.g., after the discovery process, offer presentation, etc.).
    • Highlight strengths and areas for improvement. Be specific about what they did well and where they need to focus their efforts.
    • Offer corrective guidance on how to handle certain situations more effectively, including alternative phrasing or strategies for overcoming objections.


    • Allocate up to an hour and a half for this call to ensure thorough evaluation and feedback. This time allows for a comprehensive assessment of the closer's skills and potential for growth.

      Post-Call Review:

    • Conduct a debrief session to discuss the call, reiterating key points of feedback and establishing a plan for improvement.
    • Set clear expectations for how the closer can prepare for actual sales calls, including any additional training or resources they may need.


This mock call is not only a test for the closer but also an opportunity for coaching and development. Your objective is to build confidence and competence in your sales team. It's crucial to approach corrections and feedback with a mindset of mentorship and support. Remember, this is an investment in your business's success, and ensuring your closer is well-prepared is paramount.

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