Customer Avatar

Name: Hillary.

Title: Corporate Professional.

Identity: Ultimately, my ideal customer wants to find deeper meaning in life.

Main Area(s) of Focus: Hillary's main area of focus is getting her life together; strengthening relationships; exploring her identity and choosing a belief or value to follow for the next 20 years.

Ancillary Areas: Her health, longevity, happiness and personal wellbeing.... As well as her family.

Immediate desired result: An immediate desired result is increased trust in herself, in others, even after trust has been broken. And be in a state of flow where her thoughts, feelings, beliefs and actions are in alignment with each other. Shed her guilt, fear, shame and disappointment. Live free and pain free.

— She also wants to be in a loving relationship with people that cherish value and respect her

— She wants her finances to be on autopilot and not worry about how she will earn enough money for retirement.

  1. Ultimately, my ideal customer really wants to live a happy and fulfilling life, worry free.
  2. Ultimately, my ideal customer really wants to be loved and respected by their surroundings and be recognized for their efforts and achievements.

Huge problem Hillary needs to solve: My ideal customer really needs to figure out how to organize their life so that they are earning money from and spending their time doing the things that are in alignment with who they are. Additionally they need to figure out how to create lasting relationships with people who will truly have their back and support them. And filter out and remove the people in their life who have and will only hold them back.

Another problem is they need to regain their luster, their shine, their true self... the thing that made them who they are and most proud of who they were.

Pain points (1-3):

The first step in creating urgency is to truly understand the pain points and struggles of your target audience. What are the challenges that they are facing in their lives that are causing them to feel unfulfilled and disconnected from their true purpose? Is it a lack of direction, feeling stuck in a rut, or a constant feeling of emptiness?

  1. Hillary is really frustrated by the fact that other people that she knows and hears about seem to be so effortlessly successful but she can't seem to achieve that same exaggerated level of success (no matter how much effort she has placed and how much she has sacrificed).
  2. She doesn't feel like her true self and doesn't feel that what she has worked on during her career was with purpose and meaning. Even though she has made some money, it's not significant enough for the sacrifices she has made. She feels regret and like she has been used and discarded.
  3. She feels that her life is missing something which neither religion, shopping, family nor therapy can fill or fix. She is in pain because she has a void in her heart.

What is a critical question your avatar needs answered so they can commit to a general solution?:

The critical question she needs answered is "What is the meaning of life as it stands."

Other questions she may be curious about

How can she increase her fulfillment from life and wake up in the morning feeling happy and with purpose?

How can I be the person that is living up to my full potential and exceeding my current self?How can I be more productive/optimized and useful to my family and friends and gain the respect I perceive and deserve?

Objections (1-3)

What is a major assumption (nagging objection, belief or idea) that is preventing Hillary from succeeding?

  1. Hillary is hung up on the idea that success is only earned through pain, hard work and sacrifice.
  2. She also believes she is not worthy, or "chosen" to do something beyond what their natural efforts have allowed them to achieve. As if, they have maximized their potential and that their full potential is not good enough for what they want to become/do.
  3. She believes deep inside on a fundamental level (her self image) that she will never be good enough or capable of changing to become her truest self and be able to realize her true dreams and potential. No matter what she does or how good the coaching she takes.

When all is said and done, this is what Hillary wants to be able to do:

In a perfect world...

  1. Hillary wants to be able to live a life of purpose and meaning and be in love with herself.
  2. She also wants to be do work that is in alignment with who she is as a person and be compensated well for the work she does, without having to choose between passion and purpose.
  3. She wants to be surrounded by people who are rooting for her and have only positive relationships in her life that uplift her, and feel zero attachment to the relationships from her past life that have dragged her down.

Who is Hillary's enemy?

My ideal customer's enemy is her limiting beliefs and trauma she has experienced which lead her to believe she is not worthy to live a life better than what she is currently living.

Title of offer

I'd like to invite you to check out 'R3: Personal Transformation Program',

I'd like to invite you to check out:

"I am inviting you to access a free training that will help you identify what is happiness and success without allowing your limiting beliefs and internal trauma to hold you back."

The Big Promise

How to find your deepest meaning, happiness and success without sacrificing yourself in the process.

Benefits (1-3)

  1. My offer helps corporate women find their true purpose and meaning in life.
  2. Reprogram their self image and become the person who is ready to take on the challenge ahead.
  3. Effortlessly manage their stress, emotions and expectations along the way to ensure success on their journey.


The #1 result you get from this is that you can now live a life of purpose and meaning in alignment with your deepest and truest self.

Avoid (What is the #1 Pain your avatar can avoid with what you offer?)

You can achieve a life of purpose without sacrificing your finances, family, health and wellbeing.

You can have it all without feeling disappointed in yourself for putting focus on yourself (put yourself as the priority) and away from your family or former career.

You can avoid a life of regret thinking constantly what you could have been/become if you would have solved your traumas and broke through your limiting beliefs.

You can have your desired outcome without going through lengthly therapy, taking medication or any invasive procedures (like injecting a neural chip in your brain).

How Long?

You'll see results in 42 days by just dedicating 1 hour a day to the process.

Urgency (What Creates Real, Authentic Urgency for Your Avatar to Buy Today Instead of Tomorrow?)

Once you have a clear understanding of Hillary's struggles, the next step is to show her how your personal transformation program can help her overcome these challenges and ultimately lead her to her true purpose and meaning in life. This is where the concept of urgency comes into play. You need to create a sense of urgency by highlighting the benefits and results that your program can provide in a short period of time.

We offer this program on a limited basis with a few exclusive clients we work with each cycle. Because of the custom tailored nature of this program we can only take on so many clients each cohort.

—You can showcase testimonials from previous clients who have seen significant changes in their lives after completing your program. This will create a sense of urgency as your avatar will see real-life examples of how your program has helped others and will be eager to experience the same transformation for themselves.

—Offering limited-time promotions or discounts gives your avatar a sense of FOMO (fear of missing out) and motivates them to take action now instead of waiting until later.

—You can also create urgency by limiting the number of spots available in your program (cohort cycle), creating a sense of exclusivity and high demand.

Furthermore, it is important to have a clear and compelling call to action. Your avatar should know exactly what they need to do in order to enroll in your program and take the first step towards their personal transformation. Make the process simple and straightforward, and provide a sense of urgency by emphasizing that time is of the essence. In addition to these tactics, it is crucial to build trust and credibility with your avatar. This can be achieved by sharing your own personal transformation journey and how it has impacted your life. When your avatar sees that you have gone through a similar journey and have achieved the results they desire, they will be more inclined to trust your program and take immediate action.

Core Offer and Guarantee

The core offer of our personal transformation program is to help women find their true purpose and meaning in life through a combination of trauma healing exercises, coaching, stress management, and awareness training.

Our guarantee is that by participating in our program, women will experience a significant positive shift in their overall well-being and sense of fulfillment.

At the heart of our program is the understanding that many women have experienced trauma or challenging life events that have left them feeling lost, disconnected, and unsure of their purpose. Our program is designed to guide them through a journey of self-discovery and healing, ultimately leading them to a place of clarity and empowerment.

Through trauma healing exercises, we provide a safe and supportive space for women to process and release any past traumas or emotional wounds. This is crucial in order to move forward and find their true purpose. Our coaching sessions are personalized and tailored to each individual, offering guidance and support as they navigate their own unique journey. Stress management is another key component of our program, as we recognize that stress and overwhelm can often cloud one's ability to connect with their purpose. Through various techniques and tools, we teach women how to manage stress in a healthy and sustainable way. This not only benefits their overall well-being, but also allows them to be more present and focused on discovering their purpose.

Awareness training is a fundamental aspect of our program, as we believe that true transformation starts with self-awareness. We guide women through exercises and practices that help them become more in tune with their thoughts, feelings, and desires. This enables them to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and what truly brings them joy and fulfillment.

Our primary value proposition is that through our program, women will find their true purpose and meaning in life. We are confident in this because we have seen countless women experience profound transformations and breakthroughs through our program.

Our guarantee is that if a participant fully commits to the program and completes all the exercises and sessions, they will experience a significant positive shift in their life. If for any reason they do not feel this shift, we offer a money-back guarantee.

We understand that investing in a personal transformation program is a big decision, and we want our clients to feel confident and assured that they will see results.

Our guarantee not only holds us accountable to delivering a high-quality program, but it also gives our clients peace of mind knowing that their investment is protected.

In conclusion, our core offer is to guide women on a journey of self-discovery and healing, ultimately leading them to find their true purpose and meaning in life.

Our guarantee is that by fully committing to our program, clients will experience a significant positive shift in their overall well-being and sense of fulfillment.

We are passionate about helping women unleash their full potential and live a purpose-driven life, and we stand behind our program and guarantee its effectiveness.

General Problems faced by corporate women 30-60

The issues faced by corporate women and women experiencing midlife crisis are complex and multifaceted. While there are certainly unique challenges that each group faces, there are also some core issues that are shared between them.

In this response, we will explore some of these common issues and how they impact women in the corporate world and during midlife.

  1. One of the primary issues that both corporate women and women experiencing midlife crisis face is the pressure to conform to societal expectations and gender norms. In the corporate world, women are often expected to adopt masculine traits and behaviors in order to be successful. This can include being assertive, competitive, and aggressive, which may go against their natural inclinations and personalities. This pressure to conform can lead to feelings of imposter syndrome and a constant struggle to prove themselves in a male-dominated environment.

Similarly, women experiencing midlife crisis may also feel pressure to conform to societal expectations of how a woman in her 40s or 50s should act and look. This can include pressure to maintain a youthful appearance, have a successful career, and be a perfect wife and mother. The fear of not living up to these expectations can lead to anxiety and self-doubt, as well as a desire to make drastic changes in their lives.

  1. Another core issue faced by both groups is the lack of representation and support in the workplace. Women are still vastly underrepresented in leadership positions and face a significant gender pay gap. This can make it difficult for women to advance in their careers and feel valued and respected in the workplace.
  2. Additionally, women experiencing midlife crisis may feel overlooked and undervalued as they reach a certain age, which can be a demoralizing experience.Mental health is also a significant issue for both corporate women and women in midlife. The constant pressure to succeed and the lack of work-life balance can lead to burnout and high levels of stress and anxiety. Women experiencing midlife crisis may also face additional stressors such as empty nest syndrome, caring for aging parents, and a reevaluation of their life goals and accomplishments. This can lead to a midlife crisis that can manifest in various ways, including depression and anxiety.
  3. Finally, both groups face challenges in finding a sense of belonging and community.

    The competitive nature of the corporate world and the focus on individual success can make it difficult for women to build meaningful connections with their colleagues.

  4. Similarly, women experiencing midlife crisis may feel disconnected from their younger peers and struggle to find a sense of purpose and fulfillment as they enter a new stage in life.

In conclusion, corporate women and women experiencing midlife crisis face a range of complex issues that impact their personal and professional lives. These include societal expectations, lack of representation and support, mental health concerns, and a sense of isolation. It is crucial for organizations and society as a whole to address these issues and create a more inclusive and supportive environment for women in the corporate world and during midlife. This can lead to happier and more fulfilled individuals, as well as a more diverse and successful workforce.


Avatar Information

1. Introduction:

Meet Hillary, a corporate professional who is currently struggling

with her self-image and limiting beliefs. She aspires to live a life

of purpose and meaning, free from the constraints of her past traumas.

2. Basic Information:

Introducing Hillary, who is currently a corporate professional and

aspires to be a fulfilled, self-assured individual living a life of

purpose and meaning.

3. Focus Areas and Goals:

Hillary focuses on strengthening relationships and exploring her

identity, striving to achieve increased trust in herself, a state of

flow where her thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions are in

alignment, and freedom from guilt, fear, shame, and disappointment.

4. Long-Term Aspirations and Challenges:

Hillary aims to live a life of purpose and meaning and be in love with

herself, but faces challenges like her limiting beliefs, past traumas,

and the fear that she will never be good enough or capable of change.

5. Frustrations and Critical Questions:

Frustrations include feeling used and discarded, and feeling that her

life is missing something. Critical questions include "How can I be

the person that is living up to my full potential and exceeding my

current self?" and "How can she increase her fulfillment from life and

wake up in the morning feeling happy and with purpose?"

6. Objections and Beliefs:

Hindered by beliefs such as the idea that success is only earned

through pain, hard work, and sacrifice, Hillary is also navigating the

belief that she is not worthy of a better life and the fear that she

has maximized her potential.

7. Ultimate Desires and Enemy Identification:

Ultimately, Hillary desires to live a happy and fulfilling life,

worry-free, and be surrounded by people who uplift her, while facing

her own limiting beliefs and past traumas as her enemies.

8. Core Offer and Authentic Urgency:

The core offer is the 'R3: Personal Transformation Program', with

urgency stemming from the need to avoid a life of regret and the

desire to see significant positive shifts in overall well-being and

sense of fulfillment in just 42 days.

9. Closing Statement:

This avatar profile of Hillary will guide tailored marketing efforts,

addressing specific needs and challenges, and helping her to break

free from her limiting beliefs and past traumas to live a life of

purpose and meaning.

Avatar Story (video animation):

Once upon a time, in the hustle and bustle of the corporate world,

there was a woman named Hillary. She was a dedicated professional, but

beneath her polished exterior, she was a woman yearning for something

more. She aspired to be more than just a cog in the corporate machine;

she wanted to be a fulfilled, self-assured individual living a life of

purpose and meaning.

Hillary's journey was focused on two main areas: strengthening her

relationships and exploring her identity. She yearned to trust herself

more, to find a state of flow where her thoughts, feelings, beliefs,

and actions were in harmony. She sought freedom from the guilt, fear,

shame, and disappointment that had been her constant companions for

far too long.

Her aspirations were grand: to live a life of purpose and meaning, to

be in love with herself. But the path was fraught with challenges. Her

limiting beliefs, past traumas, and the fear that she was never good

enough or capable of change were formidable obstacles on her journey.

Hillary's frustrations were many. She felt used and discarded, and she

felt that her life was missing something. She was plagued by critical

questions: "How can I be the person that is living up to my full

potential and exceeding my current self?" and "How can I increase my

fulfillment from life and wake up in the morning feeling happy and

with purpose?"

Her journey was hindered by beliefs such as the idea that success was

only earned through pain, hard work, and sacrifice. She was also

navigating the belief that she was not worthy of a better life and the

fear that she had maximized her potential.

Despite these challenges, Hillary's desires were clear. She wanted to

live a happy and fulfilling life, worry-free, and be surrounded by

people who uplift her. Her enemies were her own limiting beliefs and

past traumas.

The 'R3: Personal Transformation Program' was the beacon of hope in

Hillary's journey. The urgency to change stemmed from her desire to

avoid a life of regret and the hope to see significant positive shifts

in her overall well-being and sense of fulfillment in just 42 days.

This story of Hillary serves as a guide for tailored marketing

efforts. It highlights her specific needs and challenges, and provides

a roadmap to help her break free from her limiting beliefs and past

traumas to live a life of purpose and meaning.

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